Lisa Jones from DJH Mitten Clarke

What support did you receive from us?

‘In a nutshell, you ran the whole process! Initially, CARS liaised with us over what information we could easily provide from our account files, but then you dealt with everything from there. It made the whole process very efficient. From our side, it saved time and allowed us to focus on other things. Whilst we knew that CARS was providing a beneficial service to our client.’

How did you find the experience of working alongside our team?

‘The CARS team is great! There was such a high standard of communication that the whole team adhered to. Giving us clear and concise updates, on a regular basis. The thorough due diligence that happens within the process is exceptional. We had full confidence that we were in good hands, and that nothing would be missed.

CARS took control of everything, including liaising with HMRC, which can take up a lot of time.

From initially speaking to Chris, I could sense that the business fully trusts the work it completes, and this was definitely evident to DJH Mitten Clarke after working alongside CARS. You were attentive to the needs of our client and you made sure everything was completed on time. It was a very good overall service!’

Did you have to get involved in the process and at what points?

‘I did but only to a minimal extent. After making the initial introductions with the client, my involvement was small. Details of the capital expenditure (that we wanted a specialist to review) were provided, plus a bit of background information on the client. I also answered any ad hoc questions. But after this, we stepped in at the end, to process the claims on the tax returns.’

How did this support benefit you and the client?

‘We achieved the best possible outcome for the client. This certainly strengthened our relationship with them, by displaying we have their best interests at the forefront of what we do. Having a large qualified and experienced team on hand proved invaluable to us. It meant we could provide an even better experience for our client, whilst saving on our time and resources. It was a simple and straightforward process that was made hassle-free by the CARS team. The outcome of our teamwork resulted in our client benefiting from a huge tax saving- we got everything we asked for!’

Would you recommend us to other accountancy firms?

‘Absolutely! Never be afraid to know your limits, and use experts where you can. Experts are able to deliver such a high level of service. Having a capital allowance specialist on hand provides you with basically an extra department. Where you have access to their resources, but without the cost of hiring an in-house team. Every accountant’s aim is to give their client the very best experience. CARS 100% helped us to do this, so thank you!’


Thank you Lisa for sharing your experience with us and giving us an insight into how an accountant feels about our support.

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