You or your accountant has approached us for capital allowance support… What happens next?

Your free initial assessment

A chat with our Directors

‘To fully understand your needs, myself or Paul will have a brief chat with you or your accountant. This aims to better understand the properties you are looking to review as well as your tax position. Having this initial understanding helps us to establish whether a claim may be possible. Plus, what information will be needed to be able to investigate further. More information or documentation will be requested for an initial assessment to be completed.’

Chris Roberts | Managing Director


‘This initial conversation is an important step. It provides us with the initial information we need, but it also introduces both parties, so that we can begin to build a strong relationship. The initial assessment we offer is free of charge and it gives the opportunity to have a taster of working with us.’

Paul Roberts | Founder/Director
Chris roberts and Paul roberts

Illustrating a potential claim

‘I will work alongside you, in order to gather all the information that Chris or Paul has requested. This information is key to completing an initial assessment. I will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have after being introduced to us’.

Sue Mountford | Business Development Coordinator


‘Once the initial information has been requested, we will complete an overview of your available claim. This involves a bespoke illustration of the potential tax savings that we believe you could benefit from. Plus, how this can be applied to your tax profile’.

Linda Colclough | Claims Researcher
Sue Montford, and Sadia Hussain

You’re happy with the potential claim available and have signed the agreement to proceed with the claim. What happens now?

Establishing your claim

Case management

‘Your case is now being looked after by myself and Debbs. We work together to manage your claim from start to finish. Plus, we’re your point of contact for any queries you or your accountant may have. There are many aspects to the claim process, therefore it’s important that we make sure everything is carried out on time to ensure no deadlines are missed.’

Lydia Marks | Project Coordinator


‘It’s important to us that our clients and accountants are kept up to date throughout the entire process. Therefore, myself and Lydia will send regular updates to ensure you are always kept in the loop. Now that your case file has been set up, we will be in touch to make arrangements for your survey to be completed.’

Debbs Sones | Project Support Administrator
Lydia Marks and Debbs Sones

Site survey and valuations

‘A site survey at your property identifies items that are embedded within a property, that qualify for tax relief. I like having this opportunity to meet our clients in person and getting to visit lots of interesting properties.  In some instances, a site survey is not necessary and we can complete our survey through videos of the property. The best option for your property would have been determined in your initial assessment.’

Ian Lowe | Chartered Surveyor


‘The key aspect in securing all capital allowances is with a site survey. This provides information on items that would have otherwise been overlooked that either haven’t been identified within invoices or were unclaimed embedded items before acquiring the property. Without this step, thousands in tax savings could be missed.’

Rob Elliot | Chartered Surveyor


‘After completing our survey, we will then evaluate all the items that we found, ensuring we have matched them to the appropriate years of expenditure. There are so many different items that we find that clients don’t realise qualify for tax relief. Once this has all been completed we will then pass this over to the technical team review.’

Glyn Morrey | Surveyor
Ian Moss, Rob Elliott, Glynn Morray

Technical review

‘It’s now time to delve into the survey reports and apply due diligence. This is done by removing anything that either; doesn’t qualify or your accountant has already claimed.  The process our team has built provides a strong basis to complete a good quality claim. There are many different tax breaks within these claims. So, knowledge and understanding of which items qualify for which tax break is important in securing as much tax relief as possible.’

Dave Corfield | Claims Manager


‘Having previous experience as an HMRC officer, specialising in capital allowances, I can provide extra knowledge to the process. Supporting the claim processing, providing this extra level of experience when putting together good quality claims for our clients. Your claim will have gone through thorough checks by our team to ensure everything has been included and our process really illustrates the lengths we go to.’

Mark Doodney | Tax Specialist
Dave Corfield, Mark Doodney

‘Legislation is always moving the goal posts so you have to be so careful to ensure everything is adhering to the law. As a team, we are kept up to date with these changes to provide the best service for our clients. With a background in property law, it has helped me to appreciate the efforts needed to keep on top of these changes as things have become very complicated.’

James Beardmore | Director/Property Lawyer


‘When completing our initial assessment, accommodating your tax position is always at the forefront and this is the same at the very end. We always want you to benefit from the savings you will make, so if this requires an adjustment in fee structure, then this will always be considered to ensure, where possible, you are not left out of pocket.’

Michael Burgess | Tax Director
James Beardmore and Mike Burgess

The team have now completed their thorough checks and your claim has been compiled. What happens next?

Completing your claim submission

‘When the claim summary is produced, the figures are included in the relevant tax returns, and we submit these to HMRC. As soon as the HMRC has processed the amended tax return or the figures have been included in a current tax return, final reports will be prepared. These summarise the work that was completed throughout the process. A copy is also prepared for your accountant. We have a comprehensive team, so it’s important that within my role I help to adhere all the different components together to provide a service that produces exceptional final results.’

Natasha Greening | Operations Manager
Natasha Greening

Your aftercare package

We offer an aftercare service where we take care of your claim for 12 months after it has been submitted to HMRC. This includes answering any queries raised by either your accountant or HMRC.

‘As a company, we value what our clients think of the services we provide. After completion of your claim, I will touch base with you to find out more about your experience with the Property Capital Allowance Review team. We have always had great feedback from everyone we work with, which is always lovely to hear, so I have the confidence that you will have a great experience too!’

Melissa Lovett | Marketing Coordinator
HMRC, and Melissa Lovett

We hope this gives you an idea of what to expect when working with us. Now it's time to get in touch with us to make a start on your free initial review!

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