Accountancy Office Catherine Bennett

Claim Results

  • August 2019
  • £15,365
  • 2020
  • 31%
  • £250,000
  • £77,385

Accountancy Office

About the claim

This case showcases why it’s important for property owners
to understand why it’s not unusual for accountants to rely on
experts in specialist areas. Here we supported an accountant
who acquired a property for her accountancy practice.

office building

It's important to stress...

…that no doubt accountants have an established routine for assessing Capital Allowances and therefore our involvement is not questioning their ability. We look to enhance the level of Capital Allowances by introducing additional disciplines
that add value to your work. For example, a survey is completed on the property to identify items that are not visible within the paperwork and sit within Land & Buildings on the Balance Sheet (not Fixtures & Fittings).


What our client says

“My biggest concerns before starting the process were who CARS were and whether I could trust them, as always is the case when you engage with a company you have never worked with before. I hadn’t met Chris but after speaking to him on the phone I could tell he was trustworthy. He had a nice voice and put me at ease when he went though everything with me. I’m pleased to say that my whole experience with them was good. It was an easy, pain free process and there really is nothing to lose. I have come across people in my line of work that have completed these claims before so I knew it wasn’t a scam. I would happily recommend others to CARS.”

Catherine Bennett | Director

Catherine Bennett office
The CARS team

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