Furnished office

Claim Results

  • 1979-2015
  • £22,193
  • £76,001
  • 2015
  • 15%
  • £3,066,255
  • £447,019

St Albans Office

The review process

We carried out a forensic survey to identify the relevant qualifying items which could highlight and generate tax savings and reduce tax liabilities.  Our fees are based purely on success with no upfront cost.  We assess free of charge both the availability and viability of a potential claim.

office building

About the claim

Since 1979 this organisation has spent capital acquiring and improving their head office at a total cost of £3,066,255. Capital Allowance Review Service conducted a thorough analysis of fixtures, fittings and features acquired during this period which had not yet been claimed for tax. We identified a staggering £447,019 in unclaimed Capital Allowances, equating to 15% of their total expenditure. This generated a £22,193 tax refund and credits to offset against their future tax liabilities totalling £76,001. We successfully completed this Capital Allowance claim in December 2015.

about the claim

How we can help

Are you aware there are unseen items unseen by your accountant, which may qualify for Capital Allowances when acquiring and improving commercial property?  Have you, at any time, carried out improvements or additions to your site(s) which were paid on a stage payment basis?  These items including installation costs may remain unclaimed.

Capital allowance review service team
The CARS team

If you have any questions, we would love to talk to you. Please feel free to reach out either by phone or completing the form below.

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