outdoor attraction

Claim Results

  • £1,800,000
  • £2,390,000
  • £2,297,319
  • 55%
  • £459,463
  • £4,212,504
  • £2,297,319

Outdoor Attraction

About our client

We were approached by an accountant who explained his client recently invested significant capital building attractions and completed substantial property improvements.

The majority of invoice detail was available which meant working with the accountant in order to establish a claim. A survey was required where invoices were vague ensuring the claim was maximised.

outdoor playcentre

About the claim

  • Review One


    • Building Attraction Costs in Excess – £1,800,000
    • Tasked with highlighting Plant & Machinery in addition to the £346,000 already claimed
    • Additional £101,000 (extra 29%) established following site survey
  • Review Two


    • Property Improvements in Excess – £2,390,000
    • Our experts worked with the accountant to review the details registered was required to maximise the claim
    • Qualifying expenditure – £1,850,319


This is a good example of how our approach to fees is carefully considered and why it’s important to understand a case requirements before agreeing terms.

In this case it was important that the accountants routines and our process worked in tandem and that our fee was only applicable to the Capital Allowances over above the Capital Allowances highlighted by the accountant.

As result;

  • the accountant was given the required support to review a technical subject as we removed the risk & responibitliy of assessing the complex expenditure.
  • the client was happy with their proactive accountant with the peace of mind the maximum tax savings were secured in the right way.
  • we secured two new relationships with an accountant and client that we’ve continued to support since.
The CARS team

If you have any questions, we would love to talk to you. Please feel free to reach out either by phone or completing the form below.

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