Row of shops

Claim Results

  • 2018 & 2019
  • 2021
  • £7,500
  • £17,000
  • £84,000

Winn Property Limited

Winn Property Limited is a property development company based in Cheshire. They acquire and develop different types of commercial property in the North-West, which they then lease out.

Their accountant came to us for support with a capital allowance claim on a small shop, plus a number of retail shopping outlets. One shop was a two-storey building and the other property consisted of three ground-floor retail units, with residential flats above.

retail unit

Our due diligence discovered evidence confirming the history of property ownership and activity that enabled us to confirm tax savings were possible.

We completed a detailed site inspection and then using that data from the survey, we were able to maximise the level of Capital Allowances embedded within the purchase costs of those properties.

Once the Capital Allowance claim was calculated, we then applied the claim to the clients tax position by submitting amended tax returns to HMRC.

about the claim

“Everything was very efficient and the team retrieved us a good amount of money back, so we are really happy. We were recommended to them through our accountant and that put assurance in our mind that everything was above board. We are pleased that we went ahead with the claim”.

Nihal Winniczuk | Director

what our client says

“CARS gave our client a service that we can’t offer alone. With their expertise we are able to help retrieve the most tax relief for our client possible. Capital allowance legislation is far too complex for us to have the time to try to understand it, so this partnership we have with CARS means we can lean on their knowledge without losing time to focus on other aspects of the business that require our attention. It’s a winner for everyone involved.”

Tom Bostock | Client Director

DJH Mitten Clarke

Tom Bostock from DJH Mitten Clarke
The CARS team

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